Sweet Soul Projects

At the end of January I was approached by a fellow interested in a custom order painting. I took it on fast, and within a week the piece was complete. What a whirl wind of a journey it was!

It started with some rough sketches and matching brain waves… This was before we met.

original sketch.jpg

This was after we met and discussed size/materials/colours… deciding on three 22″x 22″ gallery canvases. We had to throw in some Northern Lights…

rough sketch.jpg

I was working with a whole new colour palette! Not to mention the learning curve of the quality of paints and mixing… (from now on I only use GOLDEN!)

new paint palette.jpg

When I took on the project, it was like divine timing, as I knew I would be limited in time and wanted to get as much done as I could the first day! This was day one…

laying down the backgroundadding in the wavesdetails of northern lightsadding the lines

Day 2…

northern lights detailed finished

Detail Panel #3 (Northern Lights)

sun detail

Detail Panel #2 (Sun)

waves detail

Detail panel #1 (Waves)


And together they make this 2′ x 6′ piece of surf art!

The rest of the week involved getting permission to sign, varnish and deliver!

Why a sweet soul project?

Well, in December I had an art show in my home. Afterwards, I felt this was an area of my life I needed to explore more. Since having my son in 2011 I have really struggled with finding home/work/life balance. Art has moved me through many tough transitions in my life- and at the time this project came forth I was on the cusp of another big life change.

Since visiting Jasper, Alberta in August 2015 I have felt this new and intensely deep connection with Mother Earth. I feel like part of my purpose in painting, is to express her voice and power. This project gave me the opportunity to do that.

As an artist, my whole life, I have struggled with the value of creating art.

So this project blew me through all those layers at once- I was paid to do work I love, connect with people who understand this earth connection, I was shown the value art holds for others, and in one weekend I had created a work I never would have otherwise thought of.

It has inspired so much more painting… propelling me forward again, to explore this earth, her voice and my own expression of them.

greens full totem

Thank you Sir for this sweet soul project!

Published by JenniferAnneBurke

Life-long yogini and artist. Child and Youth Worker. Passionate about Canadian road-tripping, camping, nature, and living life to the fullest.

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